DC Powered Cranes: 5000X
25,000 ft.-lb. moment rating and 5,000 lb. max capacity.
Wireless Proportional Controls with Wi-Fi Diagnostics and Histogram
Available Wired Pendant Control
Power elevation from -5 degrees to + 75 degrees.
Unlimited power rotation.
Rotates on gear bearing slewing ring.
Two standard models are available.
5000X-20 power extension from 10 Ft. - 16 Ft. with a manual pull out to 20 Ft.
5000X 12-20 power extension from 12 Ft. - 20 Ft.
Planetary gear driven winch with 2.5 HP series wound motor.
80ft. of 5/16" galvanized aircraft cable, 9,600 Lbs. breaking strength.
All cylinders incorporate an integrally mounted counterbalance valve for safety.
Pressure switch and anti two-block are standard features.
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